About Us

RivLink Computing is uncomplicated, efficient and hassle-free – the ultimate claims administration solution!

In 1992, Jules Rivalland (in conjunction with a General Practitioner) wrote an extremely efficient, tailor-made medical aid claims administration computer programme. Over the years, as medical aids come and go or change administrators, his constant updating and re-writing guarantees a continuously efficient system of claims administration.

In order to ensure that Rivlink always offers a personal service, Jules and Tana have kept the business in the family. Their daughters, Kayla, Sacha and Zeah have been working closely with them for the past few years in order to learn all aspects of the medical aid industry. Kayla is now firmly entrenched in the General Manager position, while Zeah is the Office Manager. Sacha is responsible for marketing and design. The girls constantly study business and management courses in order to offer the best possible service, as well as bringing fresh, new ideas to the table. They have introduced up-to-date software and hardware and continue to keep abreast of all changes in the industry with a view to continuity and efficiency.

The RivLink team offers a complete solution to medical aid claims administration.

Our business ethic is entrenched in good working relationships based on mutual respect, good faith and trust.

Allow Rivlink to run the claims administration side of your practice, not only as their business, but as an extension of the practice itself.